Reply To: Welcome Messages to New Members of Light House of Wisdom

Forums SPIRITUAL DISCUSSIONS What You Should Know Welcome Messages to New Members of Light House of Wisdom Reply To: Welcome Messages to New Members of Light House of Wisdom

Grand Master

    Iseeeee Odogwuakataka mmuo dike ajo nwa si owere banye nne ya na’afo..isi mmiri igbo nine..more light to ur path

    But sir if I may ask what did Christ meant when he said this in John chapter 14 v1 to 3?

    1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
    2:My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
    3:And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

    Odogwu Akataaka:
    How do you read your Bible @Chibuike?
    Do you just pick a verse and read without knowing the story lines?

    In the book of John 14, who are there with Christ?
    Can you tell us whom he was talking to when he said the following….
    1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
    2:My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
    3:And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

    Were he not talking to his disciples?
    Were he not talking to the sons of Israel?

    To understand more about the record as you read in the book of John 14, open your Bible and read in Revelation 7:1-8

    After this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the land, on the sea or on any tree. 2 I saw another angel coming up from the east with a seal from the living God, and he shouted to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea, 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads!” 4 I heard how many were sealed — 144,000 from every tribe of the people of Isra’el:

    5 From the tribe of Y’hudah12,000 were sealedfrom the tribe of Re’uven12,000from the tribe of Gad,12,0006 from the tribe of Asher12,000from the tribe of Naftali12,000from the tribe of M’nasheh12,0007 from the tribe of Shim‘on12,000from the tribe of Levi12,000from the tribe of Yissakhar12,0008 from the tribe of Z’vulun12,000from the tribe of Yosef12,000from the tribe of 

    Now tell me, are you from either of these tribe’s stated here?

    Were your mother or father from these tribe’s?

    No sir

    Odogwu Akataaka:
    Since your mother and father aren’t from the tribes listed in the book of Revelation 7: 5-8, stop worrying yourself over leadership, ruler ship and residence in heaven, you can’t make heaven.

    Read Revelation 14:3-4 to understand more about these peculiar people.

     They were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living beings and the elders, and no one could learn the song except the 144,000 who have been ransomed from the world. 4 These are the ones who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins; they follow the Lamb wherever he goes; they have been ransomed from among humanity as firstfruits for God and the Lamb

    Did you read verse 4?
    Now, for you to see that spirits are wise and most powerful. Remember that the Israelites has this tradition of being Virgin till marriage

    Remember angels message to Mary before the birth of Christ. The angels addressed her with high honour accorded to virgins

    When we talk about heaven, where do you think it’s?
    Do you think heaven was meant for Ofeke and group of ofeke who wandered in the world, did all manners of evil and later said i have repented?

    Check the life of Christ during his earthly mission. He leaved life worthy of heavenly being. What about John the Baptist?

    Same guide has earlier been given to the Israelites that’s Why it’s possible to find the number in all the twelve tribes of Isreal? When you read the Bible, do better understand it. Don’t be misguided from a passage you read in the Bible. The book is well defined, the reason you must ask for spirits guide before reading the Bible

    O doro anya, o kwere nghota – Is that well understood?

    Angels guide!

    I’m Ed:
    But Christ sent Saul who later became Paul, to the gentiles. Can you please explain this to us.

    The Bible shows that Paul still continued to teach the gentiles about following Christ and His Father. He taught them to leave other ways

    I need knowledge and GM is full of it in wisdom and truth

    I’m ready to learn

    Odogwu Akataaka:
    @I’m Ed Who are the Gentile’s?
    Do you know?
    If you were asked to name the Gentile’s, who will you said they are?

    As we do say here in our mother’s tongue ORU NA IGBO meaning non-igbo speaking and Igbo speaking so the Jews used the word Gentile’s

    You that is from Nigeria is a Gentile to the Jewish so a man from Canada, Australia and any other part of the earth who aren’t Jewish
    Know the truth!

    Now you have known who the Gentile’s are, be warned that the Gentile’s doesn’t really means people without spiritual knowledge. Do you understand?

    Are you hearing the spirit’s message’s?
    Gentiles are non Jewish not really people who are spiritual ignorant. So if Christ has sent Paul to take gospel across the border of the Jewish, that’s to say, he want all Nation to know more about the living God his father who you must understand was hated across the border of the Jewish

    Yes many country of the world that shared borders with the Jewish hated Adonai with passion that they refer him as ‘God of Israel’.

    If wisdom can’t judge them, nothing can condemned them. Adonai made it possible for a reason best known to him. None can question the wisdom of the gods. They are right at all times

    His passion over Israel made him to demonstrate cruelty over all strange lands

    Remember what he did to the Perusites, Amorites, Jebusites, Jericho, Egypt, etc

    Notwithstanding, Christ has to sent Paul so that the other Nation who have hated the Israelites and everything from Isreal would hear the salvation of his death which is for all Nation

    Yes Christ for all Nation!
    Truth for all Nation!!
    Life for all Nation!!!
    Wisdom for all Nation!!!!

    Note before then, many countries of the world who were said to be Gentile’s have been practicing the truth, worshipping the spirits in Truth and in spirits. This is all that is required of you no matter who you are and where you come from. WORSHIP THE SPIRITS IN TRUTH AND IN SPIRITS.

    This is the priority. it doesn’t matter the names they called. It could be Oluwa, Olorun, Chukwu, Agbara, Aja ala, Ngene etc

    Remember, an Igbo must be an Igbo so a Yoruba. If you don’t like it, write petitions against the gods thus they made it possible

    If you aren’t happy we are calling agbara, olorun, oluwa, Ngene, agwu, go and hang yourself on a transformer

    That’s our gods given knowledge and languages, we must speak using it. We aren’t Jewish and can’t accept to be a Jew

    I am an Igbo man if you like be a Levite that’s your business. I am from Aguleri, proud of my of my home. If you like claim Jesus and answer Paul, its your business. But then, truth remains the truth

    You aren’t making any heaven, not now not tomorrow, not in the future

    Thus you aren’t in the plan. He said in Jeremiah 38:34

    His people shall be my people and I shall be their god

    Isreal has been on the board and still the subject. He made a covenant with Jacob – Israel

    The covenant he is defending and shall forever defend

    He is your maker, your creator, you must recognize him but then know the truth

    Because President Buhari is living in Aso Rock Villa doesn’t ask all Nigeria, East, West, North and South to pack their properties over to Abuja in other to leave with him inside Aso Rock.
    Going to heaven is not the only hope you has as a Truth Bearer or Light Bearer. You do better take that out from your mind. Its one of the religious doctrines which the people have formed to deceive the people. I often tell you, religion is man-made!

    Get knowledge and understanding. Know the truth for truth aren’t confusing anywhere

    Ask yourself, why was Christ not born Gentile but a Jew?

    Know the truth I repeat. Its high time you know yourself to face your world. Stop been deceived. Onye aghogburu ka agbara – the deceived becomes a loser.

    You won’t do your chi temple for spiritual connect but you will pray with a chapel and sat under an image of who they said is Mary, Joseph, Saint White and Saint black. Spiritual Ignorant!

    Yet these are not been considered and called idolatry, it’s the truth that people always fight

    Fetch a rain from heaven and give to an African man or woman, tell him or her its a holy water. She will refuse saying you are given her poison, that rainfall aren’t hygenic

    Same person send her to adoration ground at UKe Anambra state or to Father Mbaka or to Pope in Vatican city, Even though they fetch toilet water and ask her to drink for healing in Jesus name. You see how fast she will open her mouth to drink all without reminder.
    Truth I know aren’t as deceptive as lies but then we can’t stop saying the truth. Why?
    Its because, truth is life – eziokwu bu ndu!

    In conclusions, I have come to understand that greater percentage of people in the world don’t appreciate truth. The very reason people are the way they are today
    We appreciate the gods and goddesses for truth and wisdom
    Mmuo dike!

    Kobimdi Ujeh:
    I am marvelled at your knowledge of Hebrew Language regarding the true names in the Tanakh(Bible) and also Ketuvim Netzarim(New Testament). May your knowledge no not bound.

    Goodluck Donatus:
    Goodluck GM knowledge is power, l salute you senior man.

    I’m Ed:
    Odogwu Akataaka! You are wise. Please help me to understand what I read from the Bible because I believe that the Almighty God took people who followed Him with all their heart. Rahab was a harlot and Ruth was a Moabite yet God used them and Ruth appeared in the generation of Christ. Did this Ruth and Rahab become children of Israel? Will they make heaven?

    The Bible says that the Almighty will not share His glory. See what He says in the book of Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

    I don’t understand what He means here

    See this one too in John
    10:15 which say; As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
    10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

    Who are these other sheep? Is it the gentiles? Was it why He sent Paul to preach to us the gentiles?

    Paul also wrote to the Romans who are gentiles in Romans 8 saying;
    12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
    13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
    14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
    15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
    16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
    17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
    18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

    I discovered from the scriptures that it is not all sins that leads to spiritual death.

    I’m Ed:
    My confusion here are the statements; joint heirs with Christ, we cry Abba Father, glorified together.

    There is a sin that leads to death which idolatry. What can be said about this?

    I’m Ed:
    Also if our ancestors were evil people as we were told, can we go to the Almighty God through them? I was thinking that the Almighty will be happy with them since it’s what a man sow the he will reap

    Those who wish to do their chi temple please order here

    International members should contact the High Priest for options on how to collect it afterwards. Members local within Nigeria can have it delivered to their residence

    David Louis:
    Aw can ur ancestors be evil?just like wen u die ur children and grandchildren starts tagging u evil aw will u feel knowing u live ur life to fullfill their destines and it was true u they wer born!

    Most of us so much believe in lies but wen simple truth is told we dont believe it we probe truth as lies while web a lie is told we accept it hook line and sinker wat foolishness is this ?

    The same bible says (test)every spirit aw do u test u search it out and wen gm make it so easy by stating truth we look for counter measures to probe it the more but truth can never change truth bring about a positive result co it never changes for anyone but lies begets more lies.

    If uv been above 30 and ur not fufilled in following ur destiny then ur the problem not ur chi its either u dont regard ur chi or u abandoned ur path thats why gm always mentioned this KNOW UR CHI he always says this it depend on u to know him ur child know u more than ur self do u know ur CHi(guidance angel)?

    Wen u know ur chi and u listen and follow is instructions u cant fail in life simple

    But simple truth is always ignored why???

    I’m Ed:
    I think we are here to learn and I’m learning. Biko teach me umunne m. Eziokwu bu ndu

    David Louis:
    Gm always say this every time does it mean he is blabbing each time No!! He is always saying this cos he knows that most of us are like goats we hear but we do not listen and even if we listen,we dont understand,we wave it aside still asking asking again but gm has been patient to let us know DAT we cant fullfull our destinies with out our guardian angel every one came with his own angel it up to us to work hand in hand with our guardian angel to acomplish destiny it cuts across wat u are religion has bastardis us !!!

    I’m Ed:
    Eziokwu nwanne m ndi a ji akwa kechie umu Chi ukwu anya

    David Louis:
    Aw can u (act )without understanding aw can u understand without being in harmony with ur (chi)

    Before Gm say a word hethe first things that comes out of his wise saying is (Know ur chi)

    I’m Ed:
    Okwa nu nwayo nwayo anya anyi ana emepesi. Asi na ikwu amaghi ibe ezi ya

    When I was in school, maths was very hard for me until my uncle who was a teacher came and taught me in Igbo. Chai! One bu ofu. 2×2 bu 2 uzo abuo. Nna confusion oge ufodi na abukwa oyibo ndi a ji akuzi akwukwo nso

    David Louis:
    Ur child will never lie to u wen u commiune with him/her the question is do u know him takes of communion with him/her and if u know ur chi do ur follow his instructions?days the area i myself is fallen short cos even wen ur chi speaks do u agree or u become stubborn and follow ur own ways

    If you haven’t done your Chi, please do your chi temple . The problems you face can all be fixed overnight. I am saying this from experience. Me myself kept getting flat tires, every morning before going to work, i will fix them same thing. Brand new tires. Tried Oseoji and prayers. Nothing. Not til i said let me pay for my chi temple, i was delaying payment to take care of other bills while i had the money to do my temple all along, and it continued happening for 2 weeks in a row, random days. I payed for the institution even though i cant pick it up since I’m abroad. Killed a ram for my chi. Overnight all problem stopped. My chi Showed me the problem tires down to the very small nails in them in dreams. Showed me how i should build his shrine, next thing my ancestors revealing themselves to me in dreams. When GM says know your chi, it’s not child’s play.

    I dont even have my temple on hand, but if i ask a question. I receive answer. So i can imagine when it’s face to face.

    Know your chi! Paul, Peter or any letter they wrote to the romans or church at Corinth won’t help you. If your igbo be happy your igbo, be happy you even know your mother tongue because the gods saw you fit to even make you remember it.

    David Louis:
    (Chi bu Zor) master urslf u cant master others if uv not mastered ur slf!aw do u master ur sl thru u guardian angel.

    Gm is a witness for (truth)he say ayi n’aso ntu aso (he hate lies le lies be far from him)words of wisdom is free and at the same time costly if u abide by it u will enjoy if u wave it aside it may cost u ur very life.

    Aw can we break the barriers of lies created by religion if ur not in spirit and in truth?

    Adonai said my (children) worship me in truth and in spirit!

    So without truth its impossible to please ELOHIM

    Ur concience will align with ur chi.and wisdom is simple to understand, but to act on it depends on U and no one else.

    In the words of truth there lays( Wisdom)and wisdom is profitable to direct there by bringing a positive result to the (light bearers)

    The teaching of Gm sticks into ur inner most part to activate a positive spiritual thought pattern and to spiritually build u up to a point of maturity and to break off all evil barriers that religious lies been built in ur system it requires ur chi to fully actualize ur given destinies.

    Those who wish to do their chi temple please order here

    International members should contact the High Priest for options on how to collect it afterwards. Members local within Nigeria can have it delivered to their residence

    It is not easy to have this in one’s apartment where your have a die hard christian wife who probes every corner of the apartment with on’s children everywhere.

    After a while you can’t make excuses in order to make progress. I live in an apartment too. After reading everything regarding chi and sacrifice i need a concrete/tiled floors. All the apartments abroads all have carpet and under it is wood. So i have to find a house. Do i have money for a house on short notice? No! But i must make the provision because it’s what my chi requires to be effective. Do what you can and let the gods handle the rest

    David Louis:
    Be you dont follow wat people say!! be U!wen u start enjoying the positive changes u will be celebrated. ur chi isn’t a stranger and aw u take care of ur chi temple should be ur priorities not any ones.

    Wen ur progress come left right and center who will enjoy the most? ur wife and children right? wen u dont do that which is right cos of wat she and kids will say u will ridiculed in want and need?weather u like or not u will be talked about its ur life deal with it the way u want.

    What I expected is an alternative suggestion on the chi placement and accommodation. How can this be done? It is not as easy as some of you guys may think depending on the type of wife you. Some wives may raise an alarm that you want to use them or any of your child for rituals. Please, let us be realistic and objective in our submission. I am as desperate as anyone else to liberate myself with the truth constantly being made available to us by the GM.

    But one has to look at the best holistic way to get it done to avoid avoidable interferences.

    I understand that those who do have an understanding in matters like this will not have issues but this is not the same with those who have wives with less understanding.

    David Louis:
    A desperate person dosnt goes tru any learnt to actualize his destinies as i said aw u attend to ur chi is ur own privilege no one can give u suggestion on aw u attend to wat is urs!until u get this understanding u will keep asking one stay in ur home or uknow ur wife u know ur home better aw u deal with life issues is ur own priogative and am being realistic and objective angels guide

    I am sure the GM will have a better alternative on the placement and accommodation of the chi as per the aforementioned.

    David Louis:
    Gm has been saying this that except u are not living in Nigeria then he can help but the moment u come home come take ur chi ur chi is urs u dont put ur eyes in the north and ur sleeping in the south wen u wake u will u walk blind to pick up ur eyes in the north?wat is urs is urs so why allow someone keep it for u based on ways people will say as i said its ur perogative to decern aw or where u want ur chi temple to be.not gm or anybody here

    Quotes: Odogwu Akataaka:
    Do you say you are worshipping Christ but do not know your chi – guardian angel?
    Do you say you are Christian but do not know and recognized your ancestors?
    Do you say that John and Barnabas are saints why your grand father’s and ancestors through whom you came to be aren’t wise and holy?
    Do you have a sense?
    Are you sure you deserve to be alive?
    You are a disgrace to your ancestors

    Am sorry Chi edum uwa.
    Am sorry my Ancestral linage.
    Am sorry the forces that brought me forth in this world.
    Am so sorry, all the spirits that were solicited before my coming.
    I am very sorry and this is my coming back.
    Have mercy on poor me, ofeke ka m bu,
    please, light my path way back to my origin so i can serve you and fulfill my earthly mission.
    This i pray before you my source.

    Thank u odogwuakataka.
    (“Anya doo akwuna omara ife omere onwe ya”)
    when a prostitute come back to her senses she regret her attitude.

    you are just removing the veil of ignorance from my eyes.

    David Louis:
    U dont keep ur child away from u for so long or else he will become a stranger to u aw much more ur chi

    Cosmos Nwosu:
    Gm, indeed; you a great.
    Angela guide.

    Nkechinyerem Jessica:
    Oh my gosh!!!,I always come across this passage in Matthew 1:1-16 but never read meaning into it,OFEKE AJOKA, IGNORANCE IS TOO BAAAAD!!.May gods and goddesses bless my able GGM more light on our path,.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by .