Reply To: Tithing And Prayers: When We Pray, Do We Say Amen Or Just Say In Jesus Name?

Forums CHILDREN Tithing And Prayers: When We Pray, Do We Say Amen Or Just Say In Jesus Name? Reply To: Tithing And Prayers: When We Pray, Do We Say Amen Or Just Say In Jesus Name?


    Gm, may your days belong, properious and healthy.

    you have tried so much in changing life positively through truth,

    i greet you all truth seeker,

    am new here but have seen many testifying about you, which trigered me to be here.

    please can you do afa consultation for me? cause i always experience setback or failure in academics, workplace even as i retire to business i cannot afford for a good living, after hustling, working and strugglying later i ate like ant.