Family Deliverance – What You Should Know About Removing Family Deities

Forums SPIRITUAL DISCUSSIONS Questions People Ask Family Deliverance – What You Should Know About Removing Family Deities

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  • #22343
    Grand Master

      Haven gone through your teaching about family deliverance, does it mean there is no way one can remove (even through traditional way) deity/ spirits that was instituted by his/her ancestors when he no longer needs their services?

      Odogwu Akataaka:
      If you have gone through our discussions on ancestral institutions, where we discussed widely on deities and purpose of institutions. You find out that an apple tree that grows at village square does not belong to anyone rather for all.

      So, you saying or asking…. How can somebody remove a deity instituted by the ancestors when he/she lost interests to their services…. Is a stupid question.

      First, the institution has not your name specifically written on its head that you would think of removing it single handedly as if it is your hair which you can cut off at your will.

      This is the understanding that good number of you shared that made the spirits not to tamper justice when they set to fight you as you fought them.

      Meanwhile, I didn’t know what you read from our discussions on family deities that made you understand you can possibly remove them like a cloth from your body.

      Nevertheless, understand that your ancestors has many descendants. You can only remove a deity single handedly if you are sure you were the only son or daughter from the man or woman who brought the deity home. For instance, it was instituted by your father or mother.

      If it was by the ancestors, be careful hence you aren’t the only descendant. For perfection, to the will of the gods and goddesses, It must be done upon agreement (by the entire family, village or community).

      Read again!!!!

      To do this, the people must come together and agree with one voice. Akpọọ ya otu olu – it’s called one voice.

      They will agree and say, we do not need your services as our forefathers did. For the reason, we say thanks for the services well-done knowingly and unknowingly. With gratitude, we hereby present this and that and ask you leave our family and the people. Remember, this must be done in the presence of a priest/priestess.

      Then, the priest will do the necessary helping the deliverance or break up. Each of the party shall stay happy hence the saying “nwa mmụọ emegbule nwa mmadụ ma nwa mmadụ emegbule nwa mmụọ” (may the son of man never fight the spirits, may the spirits never fight son of man).

      Be guided, 1 didn’t mention any item in particular here been the ritual materials for the settlement or deliverance. It is the priest /priestess that has to say what’s to be given or be used (pending the course).

      Now, listen, this is where problem remains unsolved even when people think its over. This is where good number of people fell the services. Thinking it’s over when it’s not yet over.

      For example, during the family gathering, one person or some group of people refused to give support to the removal, it can’t be done as said earlier (for perfection). That’s to say, a situation where there are ndị kwee na ndị ekweghị: the break up ritual (idu arụsị) can’t hold.

      For it to hold and success achieved. This is what the people have to do. The A group who said NO to the deity shall provide a place for the B group who said YES to the deity.

      Now, the priest will have to divide them in two groups as their fate stands. He will affirm in truthfulness, saying it clear to the understanding of human and spirits that this group here (pointing at them) from today onwards have physically and spiritually separated themselves from you (pointing at the deity).

      Here are rites which they brought for your services to say thanks for your services done unto them and the entire family. From today henceforth, don’t do good or bad to them and their descendant for the purpose of this prize and agreement.

      To this people at my left/right (been the other side), look after them and accept them as yours henceforth (spiritually and physical).

      Hear them whenever they call, do unto them upon the agreement as reached by the ancestors. Do even more for the sake of their fate. I pray you do more and better unto them or the sake of this event. Henceforth, stay wherever they set aside for you.

      After the agreement, the priest shall take the deity to the place given to him by the people. The priest shall do the necessary.

      This is the only way for perfection otherwise no other way. Finally, this information are for those of you who are foolish, thinking they have knowledge.

      Those of you who fight ancestral institutions residing in their family, and yet claiming the inheritance therein are looking for trouble. Look, people perish for lack of knowledge of the truth.

      This is just the pure truth that has ever been said.

      How can one say that he has nothing to do with a deity by the forefathers for the purpose of religion yet he still claims the properties as his Inheritance?
      Ofeke ajọka!

      I ju mmadụ, i ju ife onwere. When you reject someone, you equally rejects his properties.

      This is wisdom!

      Do you know that a deity has so many role to play in a family, spiritually and physically? This is the reason you must be wise to fight spiritual fight for victory.

      For example, you said your father is an occult man. If he has the wish to initiate you into the brotherhood, you refused but wish to prosper, holding his property and has to control his empire. How possible?

      The possibility is that you must forsake his properties. As you reject his fate so you shall reject his Inheritance. Keep yourself away and denounce him and his shares. This is only way for perfection.

      This is why good number of Catholic reverend fathers are doing better spiritually than yahoo yahoo Pentecostal pastors like Oyedepo, T. B. Joshua, Chris Oyakhilome and others.

      Catholic priest like Ejije Mbaka, Father Edeh, Emmanuel Obimma are better than these people you call daddys. The reason has to do with this secret as revealed. They denounced, reject and keep off from their family, ancestral inheritance.

      This is why they can possibly say NO to family deity and their NO won’t be taken for granted.

      And this is same reason they can accept the deity saying do to me as you do to others even though I have no share from my parental inheritance and the deity shall reward them with double rewards (spiritually and physically ).

      For they sought rewards not from ancestral heritage as seen. Therefore, the gods shall reward them much abundantly for forsaken that which they has entitlement from and unto them greater portion shall be given.

      This is why people alike who has knowledge, understanding spirituality do exploits.

      Don’t be deceived!

      Get to know that these people has deities in their paternal homes and has never gone home for family deliverance as they do to your houses. We are in Nigeria just like they are here with us.

      That is to say, we know them down to their homes as they know us down to our root.

      Go to Awgu in Enugu state where Ejike Mbaka come from. Check his root and family, you find a deity. His father was a dibia! The agwụ is still their and has not been removed.

      Our people do say, onye aghọgburu ka agbara. Don’t be deceived by any man or woman in the name of anything.

      Every year, till tomorrow he (Ejike) still join the community in rituals where he offer cow yearly. Do you know the purpose? An ofeke will be their saying nothing is wrong given the community a cow every year.

      If you see nothing good coming out from such animal blood sacrifices, try to give your family a ram every year to see what happens as you continue the ritual after so many years.

      Talk more of given the whole community a cow every year. Only an ofeke shall look and see no spiritual rewards coming from it. This is to tell you that these people know the truth and equally practice the truth they know but won’t tell you.

      What about Obinma whom they call Ebube mmụọnsọ? What do you know about him and his family?

      Do you know that the young Catholic priest is from Nkwelle Ezunaka in oyi local government Anambra State. Few kilometres away from Aguleri? They have a deity that his uncle is a priest. That’s to say, the family has agwụ spirit.

      How much do you know these truth?

      Ebube mmụọnsọ gives cows in hundreds every year to holy basilica (holy trinity) on their spiritan orders. Do you know what it means and the purposes?

      Look this is light house of wisdom discussion forum where knowledge of the truth rules. You can verify whatever information we pass to you here. They are verifiable to help truth stand.

      Spiritan Order in Catholic is an organisation for the Catholic priests which they use to make blood sacrifices for renewal (for priesthood). Even when it’s not stated clear to the people this way but that is the truth and reasons for its institute. They do it annually!

      This is to tell you that these people reverence blood sacrifices greater yet they won’t tell you the truth you must know.

      Ebube mmụọnsọ proves difference and makes a difference among the priest, top of the list. What is greater than blood sacrifices?

      Do you see how they get connect one way or the other? Whichever way they do it, it still plays same spiritual roles.

      Now, if someone says that he has nothing to do with a deity as seen in their homes, let him also stay clear from family inheritance. That’s to say, you have to say no from landed properties from your father down to the kindred.

      Make sure the business you are doing today, the money which you used to start it was not given to you by your father or any member of the family. Make sure you don’t spend a night under the roof of your father’s house or any house you built on the family land.

      These and lots more are ways to claim independent, denouncing your belongings to prove your fate. These are sacrifices you must make to proof your fidelity.
      Otherwise, you are fooling yourself.

      These are reasons people say prayers and nothing happened. Reasons pastors come 100 times in a family for deliverance and nothing happened.

      You must know the truth to help rule your world.

      I have to stop here to call it a day for today’s discussions upon angels guide. More light on our path as angels guide us all.

      Frank Okonkwo Abuja:
      Thanks so much nnanyi ukwu Odogwuakataaka isi mmiri igbonile may the gods and goddesses reward you for everything and more light to your path sir . I’m soon to do the needful iseee.

      Ezeh Oge:
      Thank you GGm for another wonderful lecture, I’m so glad. You are a light on to my path, thanks.

      Udo diri gi Sir, may your days be long. Okhara mmadu okhara nmuo. Please I want to know the way to do animal blood sacrifice, Is it by dedicating the blood as you kill the animal and then eat the flesh or is there more other things that need to be done.

      Nkechinyerem Jessica:
      Gradually I am getting there,I rounded up my one month marine ritual exercise yesterday being Afo, may the gods and goddesses be praised, more light on our path as angels guide us all.

      Please my fellow light bearers, via ritual sacrifices, I have seen what GM really meant when he do say keep fit ritual,I joined this forum on the month of December, since then, the dividend of knowing the truth and practicing it has been the order of the day in my life, this is a word of encouragement to the new members, keep fit rituals, it doesn’t matter when you joined, what matters is how engaged you’re with spiritual practices, so many rituals have been performed before I joined this group but today I am done with all of them thereby seeing the positive effect in my life. OUR GGM MAY THE GODS AND GODDESSES KEEP YOU FOR ALL OF US IN THIS FORUM AND FOR THOSE WHO ARE TO BECOME.MORE LIGHT ON OUR PATHS AS ANGELS GUIDE US ALL. ISEE!

      Chukwuebuka I:
      Yes o, i joined around the same time and i can attest to this statement. No practice is a waste. Angels guide

      Thanks,I’m so happy to be here.

      Hillary Peter:
      Odogwu Akataka,isi mmiri Igbo nile.May your Days be long. The eyes opener. More Light to our part on Angel guide.

      Wendy Daniels:
      I’m happy to be here.

      Ezeh Oge:
      Yes my dear and no lecture is a waste too, more light on your part as Angeles guide.

      Eddy :
      Indeed I am convinced by your marvelous ways of teachings that you are a truth teller. ODOGWU AKATAAKA, MMUO DIKE, May you live long, Iseeee.

      In here I believe that the solution and answers I have seek And prayed For, I will find. As your every WORD IS FOOD FOR THOUGHTS. One does not need to be told that this teachings are nothing but the sincere truth.

      May the gods and goddesses be praise for giving unto us a good hearted teacher like you. Thank you for opening my eyes to the right paths. I will forever be grateful!
      At least I can now know where My challenges are coming from.Because I have been wondering why all this setback, what to do and how to go about it.

      More light to our paths as angel guide us all iseee

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