Mariners: Your iyi ụwa and akaraka iyi ụwa; what are they?

Forums MARINE KINGDOM Mariners: Your iyi ụwa and akaraka iyi ụwa; what are they?

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  • #22572
    Grand Master

      Akaraka iyi ụwa, what is it?

      onye nze:
      Odogwu akataaka bu? isi mmiri Igbo niile…..
      I greet you sir.
      Pls I have this friend of mine who is ezenwanyi by calling. She’s 25yrs. She has seen some spiritualists and they all told her that she’s too young to serve the gods and goddesses. That being said, is there required age bracket for this work?
      Sir, this question is also very important. When someone Iyi Uwa is said to be underground, how can that person come in contact with that water?
      Again,how can such a person ever serve such water since it can’t be seen? Does such water have chief priest?

      Odogwu Akataaka:
      People should be mindful whom they consult during difficult times and period of awakening spirit. Why this advice is coming your way is for proper guidance thus our spiritual paths need not to be deluded. I can’t help fight and criticise those who under the disguise of ezenwanyi and dibia do manifest their ignorant. Why I can’t help do that is simply because, nemesis must catch up with them!!

      It is only that some of you have eyes but can’t see. Otherwise, you could have seen that they are truly reaping what they sow. Because it is one thing to deceive human being using false information and it is another thing going scot free after deception. Could the spirits following them permit your freedom and enjoyment here on earth?
      Only future would tell!

      But then, I ask those of you who patronise their various offices to be cautious. Look before you leap!
      Coming to the information of she who was asked to wait for right time for services, when the spirits have already said its ‘time up’.
      I ask her to ignore their misinformation and go on to institute her ezumezu and begin assignments for the gods and goddesses.
      Our spiritual services as well as our earthly mission (destiny) have no time frame.

      That I started dibia at the age of 40 years or 56 years doesn’t mean same to you. That I started dibia at the age of 36 doesn’t mean I am of age to do so. No time frame for our mission here on earth. We are called up and ought to have gained backup from forces behind our earthly mission. When that time comes, nothing like age or height for the servant.

      That’s why you see some whose mission sparks fire at teenager. Some at tender age and others at adult.
      How much do you know that the gods don’t look and consider age?
      The question remains. Do we share same years and periodic times with them? Do they count on weeks and pronounce same days as we do? Do we share same calendar that we have to say its January 3rd and next January 3rd will be 1 year?
      Do they count days by 1, 2, 3 4 so on and so forth to say 31st or 30th is last day of the month?
      If not, how then will someone speak for them saying its not yet time for someone to start services when called simply because she is 25 or 15 years?

      Do you now see why we ask you to call upon wisdom to walk on her divine guidance?
      Wisdom I know has a lot of information and safety measures for you. This is why you can’t mess with a wise one.

      Be wise. Don’t be deceived by deceivers under the image of whatsoever. Thus fools who have so far wandered under religious superstitions have made a U_turn back to tradition (ọdinani) only to display same religious information in disguise.

      They will pray with kolanut for you and end up saying in Jesus Name, Amen!!!
      Hearing this, na them!
      They will say, we consult the gods and goddesses with Bible. Ha wee weere bibul na_agba áfà.
      Na them!
      Look them na them!
      When she says, I am ezenwanyi but are with CWO (Catholic Women Organisations). Some hold important positions in the churches. How are they truly what they said they are? Another will be going to church and have his children baptised in christendom but end up claiming a dibia.

      There are ways to know them when your eyes are well opened. But then, if you close your eyes and have to visit them per say and believe, you will end up seeing nothing to help identification.

      Contact admin on WhatsApp +2347062855001 for further enquiries on spirituality

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by .
      Grand Master

        Why these information are reaching your ways is to help truth stand so that you don’t get deceived. We are here opening your eyes
        using words of truth which could rarely be seen outside Light House of Wisdom discussion forum where truth rules. We help you rule your world providing words of truth.

        At light house of Wisdom discussion forum, we owe you the truth. Knowing that it is only the knowledge of truth that could save you from this roaring lion in every street and communities. Who hunt for games to make a daily living. Watch before you leap!!!


        What could that be?
        First, what is iyi ụwa?
        Have you asked?
        We have had an extensive discussion on iyi ụwa. Permit me to fetch the information on our website

        I can’t help find the topic on marine section. Perhaps it was one of the discussions held either here (telegram) or on Facebook that failed posted on our website.

        In this regard, I employ the monitors to help find the topic discussion on iyi ụwa. When you do, please do us a favour with publication on our website

        I don’t have enough time going through previous discussions to repeat them. However, our iyi said to be a river or waters as seen at (either) our paternal home or maternal home.

        Why do I use the word “Either” here? It is because each and every one of us got reincarnated  from our maternal home or paternal home.
        Now, if your realm of origin stated that you are a mariner and your reincarnator was an ancestor from your maternal home, it simply means your iyi ụwa has to be the river at your maternal home. So it is when the case has it from your paternal home.

        Because your IYI UWA is seen from either homes, having known what is water or river as we often called, how could one end up saying your iyi ụwa could be seen underground?

        Now I tell you what the fool was trying to tell you which he/she felt to mention right.

        Just like I often make known to you. No one knows about the truth beyond his/her limit of spiritual knowledge. Ebe onye jedebere na mmụọ ka amamihe na nghọta ya jedebere.( your knowledge of spirituality is a function of how extent you have  gotten)

        You can’t help exceed your limit of spiritual knowledge, failure to promote your spiritual vibration using rituals. It’s a culture in the realm that those who are afar must see afar. The more closer you become, much more knowledge of the truth. This is spiritual code!

        This is why spiritualist or self acclaimed spiritualist talks in two voices when they want to speak same language. But then, it’s not true that same language has two ways of saying it that one could end up speaking with two voices. But then, the fact remains, people end up saying what others had said without knowing what the saying is all about.

        This is why a spiritualist or self acclaimed spiritualist would tell you that your chi was your grand mothers or grand fathers. Because they don’t know and can’t help define reincarnator and chi (guardian spirit) just like some of them can’t help tell the difference between deities as we have them in our lands.

        They don’t know who is AGBARA and who is OGWUGWU. They don’t know the difference between OGWUGWU and AGWU. They don’t know what is ANI and AMADIOHA. They don’t even know and can’t help tell the difference between CHINEKE and CHIUKWU!!
        The same way they don’t know what is IYI UWA and how it’s attached to AKARAKA IYI UWA which are found in someone’s compound that acts as a transmitter.

        Grand Master

          Here, what he/she wanted to talk about is AKARAKA IYI UWA which is a golden or silver or diamond precious transmitter.
          Why I am using the word ‘transmitter’ here is to qualify it. The word in usage has to do with my inability to find another English word for representation. But then, transmitter serves right word if I should explain what this is all about.
          Now what is it all about?

          As a mariner who maintains high position in marine world. This kind of person(s) or group of persons are those popularly known and called in the name of OGBANJE.
          You often hear that from people. They said, he/she is an ọgbanje!

          However, I took time to tell you that each and every one of us is ọgbanje if we must
          find true meaning of the word ọgbọ nje.
          The word ọgbọ is Igbo language which means age grade.
          Nje which is also same as éjè is an igbo word representing imitation, buying ideas and behaving similar, doing things alike, sharing same manners with equals. When you are trying to do things likewise. Behaving same way like others mostly your equals (age grade). Instead of the words to go this way, ọgbọ-eje it goes other ways ọgba-nje. Thus it’s the person who is demonstrating the act as earlier defined. We call him/her an ọgbanje

          I have to take time to teach you words and meaning more especially igbo language because I remain the one and only isi mmiri Igbo nille. I have A1 in Igbo writings and speaking. I know meaning of every Igbo words. This is why I stand without equal in Igbo language literature.

          Back and on with our discussions. This group of persons have a special gift from marine world given to them for transmission. Its called, AKARAKA IYI UWA!!

          Mine was kept under a stone in the family. The stone was where the family sharpen their cutlasses every morning before they resume for farm activities. When I resume office as a dibia (priest). At a point I was asked to pick it and hold it on my palm. It gained ancestral permission after a great event. This was how it’s now found on my palm till this day. They now have to reach out to me while I see them watching my palm unlike the earliest it was under the stone. To some people, theirs are seen under ITE MMIRI. Do you know what is ITE MMIRI?

          When you come to every family in the olden days, they have family clay pot.
          This is where each and every member of the family fetch drinking water daily and have to as well fetch for a stranger (upon visitations)

          Some AKARAKA IYI UWA are found under the clay drinking water pot. Some people choose to keep theirs under a certain sacred tree called ACHị. But there’s one thing to know about this  sect (ọgbanje) that meets under Achi tree and keep their AKARAKA IYI UWA there.

          Their intentions are not for good. They are mainly for destructions. Though am not going to discuss about this today or any further.
          Now, when a dibịa set for deliverance ritual on some person(s) upon invitation by parents or family. Some dibia go to thevextent of digging out the AKARAKA IYI UWA. Sometimes to prove how it’s thus no one dares the gods without ọfọ na ogu. It takes hours and even days to keep digging the hole and the dibia will end up been embarrassed when he could not help finding the AKARAKA IYI UWA for the periods not until he lures the young girl or boy to show  the actual locations. Until the person is lured and has to fall under parents threats or promises, the actual location can’t be found. If he/she finally points at the place, the easier the task. Immediately it was found, the dibia has to take it alongside. Do you know what he does with it?
          Should I tell you?

          The worst to happen to mankind is to be born by spiritual ignorant parents. They will do whatever possible to ruin your destiny. Removing one’s AKARAKA IYI UWA is one measure taken by the parents to ruin destiny of a child. It’s the most dangerous engagement parents would embark on in the name and spirit of deliverance to a young promis

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by .
          Grand Master

            promising destiny child. In the future the child will have nothing to write home about while the same parents resume on pointing dirt fingers on an elder in the family, accusing him off witchcraft.

            Why am taking much time to reveal this truth is to help prove languages, words and acts used by spiritualist or self acclaimed spiritualist that felt redressed. Because it was half baked from them to those who sought for their services and guide, it goes along way destroying the entire society by so creating negative views on the way people approach spirituality.

            This is why we are here to help you with true information so that you know what you should have known. When you do, we ask you to teach others. Let’s hold hands together to fight spiritual ignorant. Knowing this to be only remedy towards spiritual awakening.
            Mmụọ dike
            More light on our paths as angels guide us all.

            N K J.P:
            Yes oh! Odogwuakataka

            @reethas_luxury_world/ Hair:
            Odogwu ike u have spoken well I heard about this iyi uwa from an uncle when I was still a little child. Now I understand it beta. But sir, we that were born in d city and didn’t meet all this stone for sharing knife or clay pot for drinking water etc..and are mariners, where is d likely place it could b keep? Is it possible that has I was born in d village the select when to father’s compound to disposite it? And is such applicable today? Pls sir will like to know. Thanks odogwuakataka

            And another thing I would like u to throw more light on for me is this…i was sick somtin ago and went to diff hospitals no cure until a spiritualist was consulted and he said a shocking thing! That I was on a mission to earth as a man and along the line I was changed to female by evil pple that mission was cut off so bcos I couldn’t accomplish that mission being a female and married now that my father’s land is disturbing me. So that a he goat needs to b killed for me in my father’s compound. When that sickness was happening it was also happening to my brother in far away Europe. Same way same period so d man said it was d same thing happening to my brother that his own is beta that he is a man and still in d family. So after d goat killing my brother own stopped and my surfaced again recently so I don’t know. Wat can I do in dis situation? Am a female and married! When d man was consulted again he said he doesnt know wat to do that he has done all d mariner sacrifices and settlement and all they told him to do but let him d end wat he did didn’t work until I meet a woman who told me it ogbanje that is disturbing me. So she did some sacrifice and i became ok. wat can I do to avoid this sickness form coming back or to avoid them from disturbing me again?

            Grand Master


              Eziokwu bu ndu..mine Akaraka iyi uwa was under Ukwu udara..

              onye nze:
              Odogwu akataaka

              Isi mmiri Igbo niile

              Thanks for your response…

              Gm, I greet you and all members of the house. Am new here a Cameroonian but presently in Lagos. I heard so much about this house on different pages online. I left my home some 3yrs back due to some political issues that could cost my life though am not even a politician. Frankly speaking I don’t believe gods still exist having seen you people here talking about it. It has been tough for me lately as I have been trying to make my passports and leave for Europe. I ran out of finances and it has even affected my day to day survival. My coming here is to get any help that would drive me towards enrichment. Please dear GM and members, can I have such help?
              I am not really familiar with gods and I have never weaknessed any manifestation of a god or even visit gods Oracles . All of that is rare to me

              You’re very welcome.
              You need to know what you really want then search for it.

              If you’re still having difficulty, then Chat GGM directly for consultation.

              Thank you so much

              In a family where there is a deity called Arobinagu,my question is, who should be the person that will take in charge of the deity?
              Is it the direct sons or the first son of the man that instituted the deity?
              If the man that instituted the deity is the one that reincarnates you, my question is, are you permitted to take responsibility of the deity even though you are not the direct son of the man?
              The man that instituted the deity is dead.

              Good morning all, i just join the group today and hope to learn a lot about igbo tradition and culture. Am from Nnobi in Anambra state.

              onye nze:
              Odogwu akataaka.
              Isi mmiri Igbo niile.
              Ndewo nna.
              Please I have a question.
              What is ogwugwu diety?
              Is it dangerous? someone told me that it could make a woman barring. Is it true?
              Secondly, can someone hold the family ofor, Ofor Ngwu and the ofor of a River at the same time?
              Meaning can someone serve as a chief priest for all these deities at the same time?
              Good Afternoon

              all, I am a new person, in this group, I am happy to learn more of spirituality, I thank our great oracle odogwuakataaka god’s and goddess will continue to give you more wisdom, I still remains Anthony by name from isseke, ihiala Anambra state, I learn many things since I joined this group, please how can I get your contact or your address, I like to speak with you one on one because I have many things to discuss with you, and how can I get this awele soap and the amount it will cost, I am sending this message from Lagos now, I need it urgently. thanks

              Good evening sir ,isi mmiri Igbo Nile, Odogwu Akataka oke dibia nwoke teghete from Abrude city,nwoke nwere oke chi biko
              Odogwu Akataka the oka amuta of our time, isi mmili Igbo Nile biko what is the difference between Arobinagu prepared using A boy and a girl, and the one prepared using a goat buried alive ?

              Onyii Vicky:
              Good morning all pls I want to know the items for second and third rituals thank you all.

              New month rituals please I need help

              Okoli R.:
              Pls new month ritual I equally need help

              Good day. Please I need to perform the new month ritual, how do I go about it. Thanks

              Good Morning everyone, Happy new month.
              Good morning Odogwu Akataka.
              Pls I have a question bothering me,
              Can mariners torment a family from generation to generation and it looks like a family curse?

              With my little understanding as a student of this great institution.if I am to give an answer to your question, I will say “Yes”.it may look like a generational course when the ignorance of their true being persists in such family and has been transferred from generation to generation! Our GGM,the greatest teacher among all,made us to understand that if a man who is a Mariner marries a woman who is also a Mariner,

              Grand Master

                that all their children are going be Mariners. Now looking into this,I feel that,if the parents does not know whom they’re there by refusing to do what they should do to help their existence here on Earth and has to train their children in such ignorance,now if the children and their children-children continue in such ignorance there by swimming in a pool of poverty and other calamities as a result of ignorance of whom they’re and not doing what they should do as humans in this missionary world.How on Earth do you think that such people will see light on their paths, that’s when it will now look like generational course because everyone in the family are feeling the heat! Thanks, still expect the the best answer from my father the great ODOGWUAKATAKA whose knowledge does not know bound.

                Thanks my sister.. I truly appreciate this reply

                Hmmm Odogwuakaataka, isi mmiri igbo Nile, Odogwu na eme Odogwu na eme Odogwu na Abrude city. Nkanka Mma eji asu oke ohia, I applaud your wisdom in handling this issue anybody that hears this Audio knows that this person is a Common thief, please let’s this not make you to change your mind towards we who has done nothing. I can’t believe what I heard in this video. It is a total betrayal, that guys is nothing but a criminal with sweet mouth.


                  Good morning house. Am new here. Please how can I get spiritual powers from marmaid?

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