Why We Don't Say The Word 'Amen'!

Forums SPIRITUAL DISCUSSIONS What You Should Know Why We Don't Say The Word 'Amen'!

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  • #21903
    Grand Master

      Why We Don’t Say the word ‘AMEN’!

      Dear seekers of truth, before you know why we don’t say Amen, read first what is prayer. (…….a link for prayers will be added soon)

      Haven read what is prayers and why we do say prayers, now it pleases me to tell you why we don’t agree with the word ‘AMEN’ after saying prayers.

      In as much as you know that light house of wisdom stands for truth. We defend the truth with all true information to help you stand day and night.
      Don’t just conclude we are giving up all religious languages to set a standard, it’s far beyond that, instead; we are given up all religious languages because it lacks truth.
      Religion you must know are man made.
      This is why we don’t agree with any religious body, practices and languages.

      If you visit an imam he said AMIN OR AMEEN after prayers no matter where he comes from.
      Same imam in Saudi Arabia says Amin the same way imam in Nigeria and Afghanistan says it. Coming to this, you call them Muslims, hence the practice Islam!

      Same priest in Vatican city says Amen same way a priest in Holy Trinity Onitsha Nigeria says it. Even when you go to St. Petersburg in Russia you have same word and connotations. Telling you that these people are Christians. A different religion from Islam!

      The question remains, from where do they learn the language to speak in same voice and word even though they said “we are not one”?

      To find an answer, one day, I took time to ask members of light house of wisdom on our WhatsApp forum what is Amen, and whose language is it?

      I was shocked when a member has this answer.
      AMEN means SO SHALL IT BE.

      Could this be the teachings among these religious groups that converts are shouting ‘Amen Amen’ like there’s no tomorrow?

      May the truth you know set you free!

      As I usually do, I didn’t waste anytime to tell them the truth I know.
      Remember, truth is our keyword at LIGHT HOUSE of WISDOM where knowledge of the truth rules.

      I said to him and the members, know this today that Amen never meant either as a member answered.

      Get to know that the word AMEN or AMON was first used in the valley of the Nile. Somewhere in Egypt by the ancient Israelites. In their ancestral religion known as Judaism they had the teaching in the Valley of the Nile.
      Amen – means the hidden. It was the name their ancestors at the Valley of the Nile used for Adonai, the unique God.
      Because none has ever seen this unique God (Adonai), the people call him Amen meaning hidden.

      Unique is Amon or Amen who is hidden from them, without knowing Its real appearance.

      The word Amen is the term that was used to call and invoke (Adonai) God the unique creator, the Principal of the creation and the origin of all.

      Within the other books, the rabbinical tradition, especially in the Talmud and other important books for the Jews along with the Torah, the Rabbis explain the term AMEN as being first of all the acronym meaning ‘God, King on whom we trust’. Amen is then defined as the origin of all blessings upon Israel.

      If this be the truth because it’s the truth, do we now see why it’s understood that religion such as Christianity, Islam etc lacks truthfulness and can’t be followed?
      Because we know the truth and defend the truth, knowing what prayers means, therefore we refused to say AMEN in conclusion of prayers.

      One may ask, since prayers needed to be sealed, what can one say after prayers?

      Here we look at languages.
      When we see language, we find out why the gods and goddesses by their infinite Powers created languages and has to put them in our mouths to speak.
      When we come to this, we see that why we speak various languages today in the world is for no other reasons if not for communication.

      Remember, while we taught you prayers, we said prayers are communication to the gods (talking to the gods). Whenever we are talking to the gods, we are praying.
      Here, language we understand stands for nothing else if not for communication.

      For one to pray the gods, wisdom asked us to speak the language we know, understand and speak fluently. This is important to avoid prayer failure.

      Do remember, it’s one thing to pray, another to have your prayer’s answered.
      To make sure our prayers gain spirits attention, we must be careful on what we say and how we say them.

      Reading from this, haven been warned not to use unknown languages, therefore desist from foreign languages as you pray especially those foreign languages which its meaning remains unknown to you.
      Say what you know!

      Saying what we know asked us to speak languages we know better and understand. If you aren’t an Aramaic, Hebrew and can’t speak these languages: why must you say Amen?

      Why must you say AMEN when you were busy talking to your god in Yoruba or Hausa language?

      Why must you speak to your god using Aramaic language such as AMEN while you were praying in Igbo?

      Can you do that to your mother or father on an important task when most needed?
      Knowing that what you are about to ask your father is so important to you, do you consider speaking a foreign language such that you yourself lack the understanding?
      Of course you won’t do that!

      Do you now see why we don’t say AMEN?

      To seal your prayers say what you know that has a seal to prayers.
      Why don’t you say ‘SO SHALL IT BE’?
      Say ‘SO BE IT’!
      So I mote it be!!

      Use words like ‘ISEEE’ to end your prayers if you are Igbo or understand Igbo languages.

      You may find similar words from your native language to end your prayers. Because you were created in their images and likeness, as you mote it, so be it!
      Angels guide!!

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