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    Nnam ukwu ndeweo

    Odogwuakataka ekelem gi  ndeweo ozokwa

    I am new here and going through your teachings I was so happy cause it’s very very enlighten and helpful to human, may Chukwu okikie abiam continue to bless you more…

    Pls sir, i want to share my exprience with you for directions.

    I visited a spiritual house for afa (spiritual consultation) and the dibia’s Ezenwanyi said I have to do a settlement ( ikpe udo) with my Chi and I was told it’s #17000 but before that day I was in a dream where I saw I beautiful fair in complexion woman dressed like a queen she walked in a stylished way and i followed her footsteps from room to the dibia’s temple and she said she has agreed that I should go and get #17000.

    When i visited the dibia and it was revealed i have to call my chi for settlement so i decided to do so.

    The day I brought the money to the temple the dibia brought out items like

    Kola ,edo, Alligator peppr, Beers etc and I bought an umbrella from his wife for the work.

    1. When he started he robbed the Edo (red colored chalk) it from my fore head down to my mouth and from my ear to the other ear just like a cross and said so words of protection, then he went in to call his Ezenwanyi to go bring down my Chi, after that his Ezenwanyi went to bring down my Chi and we had conversation of the things happening in my life, all she said was right she I said I have to do ishe-ibu (off- loading) and the items were named both his workmanship and all that but before then she told me that I have to marry her ( ilu-ya).

    Pls sir help me out is this the right process of Ime chi, some process are not like this

    Secondly sir pls what does she mean by me marrying her (ilu-ya)